
Companies establishing

- Establishing all types of Capital companies, Individual firm, partnership company, branches of foreign companies, representative offices, liaison offices, and scientific offices.
- Transferring the legal form of companies.
- Merger or division and liquidation.
- Registration of companies in (the commercial registry, the industrial registry, the Capital Market Authority, the Stock Exchange, commercial agents, the exporters and importers registry, financial leasing and private sector contractors, the Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors.
- Amending the articles of association of companies and reconciling their positions, preparing contracts, side agreements, certificates, name deeds and bonds, general assemblies of shareholders, boards of directors, shareholders ’records, ownership books and relinquishments .
- Assistance in obtaining work and residence permits for non-Egyptians.
- Obtaining the necessary licenses for projects and companies and assisting in solving their problems with governmental and non-governmental agencies.

Electronic invoices

The office has a team specialized in the registration process and E-Tax invoices issuing. starting from the company's registration on the E-Tax invoice system to the IRS as well as the registration of the commissioner responsible for dealing with the Tax Authority in relation to the electronic Tax invoice through the process of obtaining the electronic signature.

The Office also offers a range of accounting programs in line with the electronic Tax invoice application system as well as the provision of various goods and services.

Registration of the administrator of the company's electronic tax invoice system.

Implementing the necessary steps to integrate with the e-tax invoice system and test cases for the functions of the system for companies that have an "ERP SYSTEM" (invoices system).

Help in apply and use the e-tax invoice system (Portal) for companies that do not have an "ERP SYSTEM" (invoices system) in accordance with the standards set by the Tax Authority, as well as start issuing Invoices electronically through the system's actual operating environment.

Internal and external audit and account monitoring

External audit and account control
- Review the company's operations in accordance with international auditing standards, and in accordance with the provisions of the Egyptian Law of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors.
- Review at intervals of quarterly - semi-annual - annually - periodic review.
- Preparing the technical report on of reports and financial statements scrutiny for companies and making observations and recommendations.
- Preparing technical reports of the effectiveness of the internal control system applied in the company (under scrutiny).

Internal audit Ensuring that the work system is running in the right way, as well as ensuring that managers and employees carry out their duties to the fullest within the permissible legal and financial limits.

Tax services and consulting

-Making tax files for companies and individuals.
-Registration of companies and individuals in VAT system.
- Submitting of VAT declarations.
- Submitting income tax declarations for individuals and companies.
-Submitting salary statements and make quarterly adjustments.
- Submitting of deduction and collection declarations consisting of 41 tax forms, each periodically every three months.
- Preparing and preparing for tax examinations as well as internal committees, whether they are (income tax, value added Tax, stamp duty, gaining work or commercial and industrial profits).
- Follow-up and resolution of tax problems, whether in appeals committees or economic courts.

Courts, cases Services

We have a group of legal advisors to solve all criminal, commercial and civil cases, as well as foreigners 'issues, residency and security inquiries, as well as workers' cases.

Project financing

Obtaining appropriate financing in every stage of the project is the most important problem facing any investor, especially in emerging projects. Therefore, we help our clients by providing many alternatives and various financing opportunities, whether from specialized financial institutions or personal financing agencies such as:
- Financing from banks and private funds as we make sure that the conditions required by the entity are met, provide all the required documents, communicate with the funding body, and facilitate all procedures until the required financing or loan is obtained.
- Managing cash and follow up the client periodically and continuously to ensure how the financing is managed within the project, the extent of his commitment to repayment and his relationships with banks, as well as studying and monitoring the expected and unexpected difference between the cash inflows and outflows and assisting clients in dealing with the excess cash in the appropriate manner that serves The facility's interest in the future

Notary public, documentation and property appraisal Services

Completion of all works related to real estate notification and documentation, including documenting contracts, making proof of history, making public and private agencies, registering intellectual property contracts and patents, as well as contracts for land and real estate, including real estate appraisal services and real estate tax settlement

Commercial contracts Checking

We provide you with a contract review and drafting services by professional lawyers who specialize in all types of contracts.
Among the contracts that our office is competent to review: -
- Commercial distribution contract
- Intellectual property transfer contract (IP)
- Arbitration Agreement
- Engineering and Construction contract (FIDIC)
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Employment contract
- Service-level agreement (SLA)
- Insurance contract
- Franchise Agreement
- Management and operation contract
- Commission contracts and participation contracts

Tax services and consulting

Opening insurance files for companies and individuals.

Issuance of insurance stamps and forms for facility workers.

Follow-up car insurance and solve problems related to it.

Extracting terms and subscriptions, as well as following up on indebtedness and scheduling methods.

Inclusion or exclusion of workers for the establishment during the period, as well as changing the job title.

Adjusting the conditions of the establishments in line with the new insurance law.

Feasibility studies

- Preparing feasibility studies for all investment projects represented in the initial feasibility study and even the detailed study of the project in terms of:
- Determining the investment opportunity, as well as investment costs, expected revenues, rate of return, and payback period.
- Preparing an estimated financial study for the project for subsequent years, with clarification of the environmental and technical aspects of the project and how to implement it as fully as possible in accordance with the specifications and regulatory laws

Civil Registry Office, Labor Office Services

Clearance procedures for the labor office and issuance of permits, as well as resolving workers' problems and issues related to the labor office, as well as dealing with the Passports Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Industrial and commercial sector services

Many services for commercial and industrial activity, including:
Registration of importers and exporters
- Registration in the supplier register of oil companies - Egypt Air - the army and others
Registration in the Construction and Building Union
Issuing commercial and industrial permits

The artistic and cultural production sector services

Registration of trademarks, patents, and intellectual and literary property rights, sale, transfer of ownership and change thereof

Extracting permits from artistic compilations And accounting and legal supervision of artistic production work

Organizational and administrative restructuring

The organizational structure defines the structure of the company, the departments, the teams and how all these components fit together. That is, it organizes all the official relations between individuals within the organization, and defines the authorities and how accountability and accountability are carried out, what are the tasks required of each individual and how to coordinate all these tasks with each other.
Therefore, we provide you with a team that specializes in preparing the organizational and administrative structure in line with the exploitation of resources and the achievement of goals.

Other services

Such as dealing with traffic, licensing cars, transferring their ownership, and making income certificates and certificates for the tax and insurance position