Consulting services related to evaluating companies and offering them on the stock exchange

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Consulting services related to valuation and offering of companies on the stock exchange. It is one of the targeted steps that all companies seek to develop themselves. Is the idea of putting their companies on the stock market to get more money, Without getting into the problems of bank loans.


It also requires the company to offer its shares on the stock exchange. The constant attempt to keep the company’s shares high, However, the entry of your company into the stock market does not mean its success. Where it is required to obtain consulting services related to evaluating companies and offering them on the stock exchange.


Consulting services related to evaluating companies and offering them on the stock exchange

Through the following lines, we present the most important consulting services related to evaluating companies and offering them on the stock exchange, Below:

  1. Provides strong internal and external control systems for the company.
  2. An integrated documentary and notebook course.
  3. The work of the company’s organizational structure is meticulous.
  4. Increasing the company’s production levels in terms of the company’s services provided and the quality of its production.
  5. Raising the efficiency of all human cadres within the company in performing their work.
  6. Conducting quarterly, annual and periodic financial statements to monitor the company’s financial position.
  7. Knowing the weaknesses of the company and treating them. Knowing the strengths of the company and developing them.
  8. Provide accurate financial evaluation of the company’s performance.

Conditions for listing companies on the stock exchange

To enable companies to trade their shares on the stock exchange, to meet several conditions, They are as follows:

  1. The company has approval from the General Authority for Funds Control.
  2. The company has preference shares, cash shares and in-kind shares.
  3. You have financial statements for the previous year to obtain an application for registration in the stock exchange.
  4. The company’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Egyptian accounting laws.
  5. The net profit of the company shall not be less than 5% of its capital.
  6. The capital of the company is not less than 50 million Egyptian pounds. The number of shareholders shall not be less than 500 shareholders

At the conclusion of the article on consulting services related to evaluating companies and offering them on the stock exchange, We have come to know the most important services affecting the evaluation of companies and their listing on the stock exchange.


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