Factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit

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Factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit, The importance of external auditing for companies lies in the fact that, Limit the chances of fraud and embezzlement within the company. causing it to fall later, So, through this article, we will learn about the most important factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit

What is the external review?

The company’s external audit relies on the assistance of an external expert accredited by the competent accounting authorities. To examine the records and books of the company, write a report on the company’s financial information, To make sure there are no errors in the data:

  • The external audit is concerned with ensuring the integrity of the company’s financial statements.
  • And access to any fraud quickly before the damage is exacerbated.
  • To have a successful review of your company, It is not enough to limit the presence of an internal auditor to the company only, It also requires external references. To get more accurate reports.

Factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit

Through the following lines, we present the most important factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit, Below:

  1. Auditor capabilities and experience:
  2. The extent of the external auditor’s experience affects in the quality of the audit process.
  3. Reputation of references:
  4. The good reputation of the auditor indicates, For his dedication to work for years and for the good service he renders, Which led to gaining fame.
  5. The amount of services provided by the references:
  6. The increase in the number of services provided by the external auditor to the client indicates, on the quality of its external audit.
  7. 4. The remuneration of the external auditor:
  8. Increasing or decreasing the remuneration of the external auditor sometimes affects on the quality of the audit service it will provide.
  9. Auditor’s commitment to international auditing standards:
  10. Whenever the auditor adheres to international standards in the external audit he provides, The more service the better.

In conclusion, the factors affecting the quality of your company’s external audit, We have known the most important factors affecting the external audit, You can use the services of the office of the accountant, Muhammad Musaad Ismail, for auditing and tax and accounting consulting. To answer all their inquiries regarding tax and accounting consulting services, Contact us through the WhatsApp number 01154313101, and email info@m-mosaad-ca.com.